Laval 450 669-6737
Quebec 418 622-7271
Saint-Hubert 450 656-2323

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Hair Treatment

PAI Medical Group

A fast, simple, at home solution to slow down hair loss.

PAI Medical Group clinics in Quebec use one of the most advanced technologies for hair loss, the Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). An effective way to combat hair loss, it slows down and promotes hair regrowth. Photobiostimulation works with the use of laser light producing specific wavelength of light that penetrate just below the scalp. Wherein the cells absorb the light, and the follicles are then stimulated. 

Laser therapy is ideal for men and women experiencing hereditary hair loss, individuals who have taken medication or have a medical condition causing hair loss, and those considering or after a hair transplant.

Laser Hair Treatment

The Benefits of LLLT Laser Treatment

The reasons why our clients choose LLLT laser treatment vary from person to person.

Whatever your situation, come discuss it with our specialists.

No pain or side effects

Remarkable results after 3 to 6 months in most cases

No health risks

Completely safe

Non-invasive and surgery-free

No drugs or medications

We are here for you!

Do you have a question or would you like to meet with a specialist from PAI Medical Group to explore solutions for your hair loss?
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We are here for you!

Do you have a question or would you like to meet with a specialist from PAI Medical Group to explore solutions for your hair loss? Schedule an appointment at a PAI clinic near you:

    The clinic consultation fee is $50.

    Before/after photos of hair transplant results

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