Quebec 418 622-7271
Saint-Hubert 450 656-2323
PAI Medical Group

Do you have questions? We have the answers!

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Transplantation

On this page you will find the answers to the frequently asked questions concerning hair transplant. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

You can also book an appointment for a consultation with our hair specialists.

The procedure

Hair transplant is a minor surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from a high density area on the back to lower density areas on top. It is essentially a redistribution of the hair in order to densify the sparse areas of the scalp. The results of a hair transplant are usually permanent. Given that a good grafting result is always composed of grafted hair and pre-existing hair, always be sure to effectively control the hair loss of existing hair already present before the surgery. Fortunately, we now have a host of effective hair loss options. Learn more about hair transplant.

Performed under local anesthesia, the hair transplant procedure is usually minimally painful. Although the patient may feel some minor discomfort, our surgical and postoperative protocol is established to ensure the comfort of our patients during and after surgery. We provide our patients with all necessary instructions and medications to make this experience as comfortable as possible.
The hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia. As hair transplant is a minor surgery, general anesthesia is not necessary. Local anesthesia promotes better recovery, dramatically reduces risks and complications, and also reduces intervention costs.
Depending on the amount of hair required to be transplanted, a session usually lasts between 3 to 5 hours. You will be aware and alert throughout the procedure. Our professional and dedicated staff will ensure your comfort throughout the operation. Read more about hair transplant procedure.
Unfortunately, this is not yet possible. Research is progressing rapidly but this type of procedure has not yet been practiced. It is very likely that hair cloning is available and used well before implanting artificial hair or from another person. Cloning will not pose any risk of rejection, which makes it a preferred method. It will then be possible to generate the desired amount of hair without having to make large samples. We will no longer have to redistribute hair and we can only replace the missing hair.
Transplanted hair is hair that grows and falls like any normal hair. However, since that hair is from the back and sides of the head, in which we find hair that is naturally more resistant to androgenic hormones responsible for hair loss, this hair does not weaken over time. Even after surgery, hair from these areas being moved to sparse places on the scalp will preserve this genetic quality. After a procedure, the concern for the transplanted hair is not a concern, but rather on hairs that were already present BEFORE the transplant. They are NOT safe from a possible hair loss. That is why our consultants will prepare a long-term maintenance strategy that will protect your investment by ensuring the durability of your entire hair. Rest assured, today we have simple and effective methods that allow us to keep your hair in all its glory.

A hair transplant will leave some minimal scarring. However, PAI Medical Group only works with specialized surgeons perfectly mastering the art of surgery which virtually invisible scar for most of our patients and even for those who want to keep the hair short in the back of the head. If you are worried about the appearance of the scar on the back of the head, come and meet us. We will be able to show you results and alleviated your concerns. Our patients are always pleasantly surprised at how natural and undetectable our results are.

After the procedure

During a 10-day period, patients must follow our postoperative protocol. The patient will have to dip their head two times a day in the bathtub of water to accelerate the healing process and sleep in a semi-seated position 3 to 4 days after the transplant to avoid excessive swelling. Post-transplant care is meant to ensure recovery and return to normal habits as quickly as possible.
You will be able to perform most of your common tasks. However, you should avoid leaning forward as well as any intense physical activity. The procedure will have some visible evidence for few days. It is up to you to determine if you prefer the tranquility of your home or if you do not see any inconvenience in a public setting!

Your scalp will not be more sensitive after the transplant. At all times you should however protect your head from sunburn. Always make sure to protect your skin from excessive exposure to UV rays.

In the vast majority of cases, the transplanted hair is permanent. Transplanted hair is hair that grows and falls like any normal hair. However, since they come from the back and sides of the head, in which we find hair resistant to androgenic hormones responsible for hair loss, this hair does not weaken over time. Even after surgery, hair from these areas moved to sparse places will preserve this genetic quality. After a transplant, the concern is not about the transplanted hair but rather the hair that was already present BEFORE the transplant. They are NOT safe from a possible hair loss. That’s why our consultants will prepare a long-term maintenance strategy that will protect your investment by ensuring the durability of your entire hair. Rest assured, today we have simple and effective methods that allow us to keep your hair as much and as healthy as possible.
The transplanted hair will begin to grow by the 3rd month after the transplant. You will not get your results as soon as the procedure is finished. The result of a hair transplant is considered final approximately 18 months after surgery. However, thanks to new technologies in hair loss treatment, options such as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or new available products, our patients benefit from results that do not cease to improve even after several years following transplantation.

The patients

A simple consultation with one of our hair loss specialists will allow us to evaluate your needs according to a variety of criteria. People often mistakenly think that they absolutely need a hair transplant while simple non-surgical treatments could very well resolve hair loss. Our consultants will fully explain all possible options and help you make the best choice in an informed and transparent manner. At PAI Medical Group, we do not just transplant. We are one of the only centers in North America to offer all the services recognized as effective against hair loss. Preventive products, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), hair transplantation and hair systems are among the options we have tested and retained. Let us help you make an informed decision.

Age is not a factor. Only physical fitness and overall health is considered in the selection of our patients. If we find that the hair transplant is not safe in your case, we will not offer the procedure. However, your age will not be taken into account in our decision. Your safety is our only concern.

The costs

The cost of a hair transplant depends on the area to be covered, the density, the type of hair, the amount of pre-existing hair and a host of other factors specific to each individual. Usually, fees vary between $9,800 and $16,500. Several methods exist and all give different results. The Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ method (MUHG™) exclusive to PAI Medical Group is the one that allows the largest number of hair to be transplanted within a single procedure. Before making a decision, ensure that you have all the information you need to analyze your costs. It is always advantageous to invest 20% to 30% more and get a larger amount of hair right from the start. This will reduce the number of follow-up procedures needed to achieve the desired result or if possible, limit the need for a second or third procedure for some unique patients.

The cost for an in-clinic consultation with one of our hair transplant specialists is $50. At PAI Medical Group, we will take the time to explain everything so that YOU can make the decision that is most appropriate to your needs, your budget and your time. Our consultations normally last from 30 to 60 minutes. With our consultants, you will feel listened to and you will never feel rushed. We firmly believe that it is essential to take the time to carefully assess the problems of each client we meet and we know that no cases are exactly identical.
A client wanting to secure a clinical surgery spot will require a down payment at the time of booking. This deposit is refundable in full as long as you inform us of any change at least 1 month before your surgery. The entire amount of the transplant, less the deposit paid, is payable by the day of the surgery. We accept payment by debit and credit cards (VISA and Master Card) or certified cheques (no personal cheques). Financing options from 6 to 60 months are also available with our financing company.

PAI Medical Group offers you the possibility of a complete financing for your hair transplant procedure with simple and easy terms and allow you to enjoy your investment your whole life. Find out what our financing options are!

Hair Loss

A shampoo alone cannot usually prevent hair loss. Shampoos are used to clean hair and scalp. They can be very effective in relieving certain conditions like dandruff, itching, irritations and other disorders of the scalp. As hair loss is usually of genetic or hormonal origin, it is necessary to target the problem further. 
Shampoos are very necessary in the treatment of hair loss becasue they must be used before any effective treatment to ensure the penetration of active ingredients into the surface of the scalp. Rinse-free lotions are preferred when looking for an effective anti-hair loss product. These products are applied to the scalp and should not be rinsed in order to allow them to penetrate. Some shampoos are formulated specifically to ensure better penetration of lotions without rinsing.

About PAI Medical Group

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PAI Medical Group has 15 clinics in North America, recognized expertise and a renowned medical team. We are the only hair restoration clinics using the Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ (MUHG™) method to transplant more hair than other methods. Trust those who do the most procedures and receive the highest customer satisfaction rating. PAI has the most cost-effective solutions for your treatment investment. We will fully support you before, during and after your procedure. At PAI Medical Group, you will never be a just another patient. Our patients always appreciate our level of detail, our personalized care and our compassionate approach. You will not be left alone in your post-procedure treatment. The choice is simple, get more hair in a single procedure at the lowest possible cost while enjoying the best customer service. Hair transplant is our specialty and we have defined and surpassed all standards for more than 40 years.

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Do you have a question or would you like to meet with a specialist from PAI Medical Group to explore solutions for your hair loss? Schedule an appointment at a clinic near you:

    The clinic consultation fee is $50.

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